​Our Mission
The Waltham Dual Language Parent Teacher Organization (PTO) is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization made up of parents, teachers, and school administrators with the mission of working together to provide an exceptional dual immersion educational program with excellent opportunities for our children. The PTO supports and promotes parent involvement to enhance the WDL community, supports teachers and provides them with classroom resources where needed, and helps provide extraordinary learning experiences for our students.

The PTO sponsors various activities throughout the year including field trips for the children, family events such as multi-cultural nights and playdates, and community events such as our winter clothing drive. We also organize teacher appreciation events before the winter holidays and in the spring.
The PTO holds a general meeting once a month. Anyone in the Waltham Dual Language community is welcome. The PTO also supports our Equity and Inclusion Committee which holds their own meetings and events. More details and dates are available on our events page.
One of the primary purposes of the PTO is to raise funds to support our school. This is done throughout the year at school events and via community activities such as our bake sale. These funds go towards classroom and school supplies, field trips, and other needs of the teachers and staff.
PTO Leadership Group
The PTO leadership group is always happy to hear from you!
2024-2025 Officers
President - Kyle Meingast
Vice President - Andrew Duda
Secretary - Desiree Phillips and Tara Hill
Treasurer - Jason Shapiro
At-large members
Sabrina DeJoannis
Tatiana Kazdoba
Angelica Stone
Gloria Mills
Chloe Zaug
Teacher representatives
Faith Balareso
Federica Ponce